What Does Joy Mean To You? Week 3

What Is Joy?

  It can be described as an intense gratitude for someone or something.

Let’s explore the Primary Food Joy and figure out what brings you joy?


I recall listening to author Jennifer Senior in a radio interview about her book:  All Joy and No Fun  the Paradox of Modern Parent Hood.   That phrase “all joy and no fun” has stayed with me for a long time.   It’s true that parenting brings great joy and many times it’s just hard work.   But never am I ungrateful for the gift of being a parent to these two human beings.  

There’s been a lot of hype around practicing gratitude, daily journaling, and being thank you.  Basically, the message is once you start practicing gratitude you’ll experience more joy. Life is challenging and this is easier said than done.  

Take a moment to reflect on the area of JOY.   Is this an area of strength for you? Or is this area weak and you may wish to focus on it?

What brings you a deep sense of Joy, Peace, Gratefulness, and Pride?

On a scale of 1-10 what is your level of satisfaction in this area of primary food?

Think about all areas of your life and how they align with your core values?   If alignment is off then you may notice other areas suffer such as: health, joy, relationships.    Make a conscious decision to align with your core values.

Decide what you’re going to focus on for this week.  Don’t forget to check in and reflect on the positive changes in your life.  May you experience more joy this week and continued growth in this area. And celebrate your achievements!    

Let me know if how I can help you cultivate more JOY in your life.

Special Credit for Feature Photo: Carrie Haislip; Morning Ride


Posted by Kris Szabo

Wife, Mother, Holistic Health & Wellness Coach. Passionate about eating healthy, living well, and sharing the joy that makes life great. This site has been designed to help Create a Healthier, Happier You! Follow for health and wellness information. Hope you Eat Well, Love Passionately, and Laugh Often.

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