Day 5 Mindfulness Nourish Your Mind, Body, & Soul

Nourish Your Mind, Body, & Soul

We’ll explore nourishing your mind, body and spirit. It’s more than eating healthy food and exercising. It’s about how we plan for and experience those situations. Developing mindful habits lead to a path of sustainable health and well-being.

Mindful habits make eating and dietary habits sustainable. Know what your body is craving and honor that. Be mindful of the moment. Take 3 breaths, slow down, Ask yourself why do I want to eat? (hungers, stress, boredom) If hungry then snack but choose mindfully. Consider what is calling you. Often we are feeding primary need and not a hunger need. Pay attention to your primary foods (relationships, work, spirituality, home, etc) Use your outer wisdom to know how much to eat ( 100 cal per hour before meal can stave off hunger.) And use inner wisdom to savor the food, eat slowly, do nothing else, pay attention to the food. Be flexible try other techniques.
Restrictive diet plans are not the way to good nutrition. How do you eat? Are you using the TV, phone, FB, reading newspaper, or watching a movie? Sip water before eating or making food choices. Cook with love; intention focused on preparing the meal, gratitude to be able to nourish yourself and your family. Try no distractions during your lunch time. Notice how the food tastes, feels, how you feel .

What does it mean to be thankful? What does it mean to be grateful? It’s not about convincing yourself everything is fine. It’s means focusing on what you have and appreciating it. It doesn’t mean to ignore or avoid difficulty or uncomfortable things But rather to approach it from a different perspective. Appreciation softens us and soothes us through turbulent times. It’s connects us to ordinary things that we tend to take for granted. Try it. Think of anything or anyone you feel grateful for: hold dear, sunrise, food you will eat, friendship, health, job, and now notice how you feel? Warm, Lightness, tingling, this is you connecting to your gratitude and resulting in happiness. It keeps our hearts open to tenderness in all of our daily experiences. By offering appreciation is a peaceful way to strengthen and repair emotional bonds. Notice how you feel or someone feels when we express genuine appreciation and thanks for doing something simple. As you practice appreciation you’ll notice shifts around you and inside of you. Simple things: say thank you, write down 3 things you are grateful for, describe how you feel when you express gratitude.

Savor the joy and be present. Don’t take things for granted. Walk in the sun and notice the warmth on your skin or the reflection on the water. Notice your feet on the ground, the pace of your walk, notice the air crisp or heavy, notice the light as it passes through the leaves and branches. Savor the resilience of a bad experience. The hassle the aggravation and your ability to change your mood, your ability to feel the pain and appreciate what you have. If you experience the loss of a loved one appreciate the connection, warmth and love you shared, if you experience illness, appreciate your ability to get up and go. These challenges make us humble and vulnerable. Seek help when you need to We’re in this together. Savor all that comes your way. Savor your freedom, the mundane and the boring. Give yourself permission to be at peace and take a break. When you’re stuck in line or traffic, notice how your body connects to the world around you, give yourself the freedom to disconnect from all the busyness around you and Just Be.

Posted by Kris Szabo

Wife, Mother, Holistic Health & Wellness Coach. Passionate about eating healthy, living well, and sharing the joy that makes life great. This site has been designed to help Create a Healthier, Happier You! Follow for health and wellness information. Hope you Eat Well, Love Passionately, and Laugh Often.

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