How do you feel in your home? Does it provide you with peace and tranquility? Does is stress you out?
Our home environment plays a key role in our overall health and well being. It has a big impact on our mental and physical health. What you see, hear, feel, touch affects your overall well being.

Your home is your opportunity to create an environment tha feeds your soul. Do your current surroundings support your needs? Our needs change over time. Once you may have needed an environment to stimulate and energize you but now you need a sanctuary. A place to find peace, calm and restore yourself.

Take small steps to create a space of how you want to feel. Maybe bring some potted plants into your home, candles, change the lighting, remove some clutter, or reflect who you are? Consider you surroundings in and outside your home.
Pick a room and start small. Maybe it’s the bedroom. Make a place for rest and restoration. Remove electronics, clear any clutter, decorate in soft, calm colors.
Or perhaps you have a junk drawer or closet that needs to be emptied out. Toss the items you do not need or use and organize the rest so that you can see what you have and actually use it. This will help with your peace of mind, too.
On a scale of 1-10 rate this area.
Additionally, you may want to try creating balance and energy in your home with Feng Shui. Check this out for more information. A few changes may make a world of difference.https://www.thespruce.com/create-good-feng-shui-in-your-home-1275057
Resouce cited https://www.thespruce.com/create-good-feng-shui-in-your-home-1275057