Essential Oils have been proven scientifically to have medicinal properties. Essential oils do not remain in the body like chemical drugs or other household cleaners and chemical fragrances. Essential oils are extracted from certain species of flowers, fruits, leaves, grasses,…
Category: Health & Wellness Coaching
Health & Wellness Coaching
Want to be more present and create a more peaceful life?
Ask yourself, “Am I living a mindful life or an automatic life?” We go through so many things on automatic or distracted. Think about when you’re driving and 20 minutes later you did not notice you passed three exits and…
4-7-8 Breathing to Help with Anxiety
Everyone is feeling a bit overwhelmed with trying to stay safe and practice social distancing. However, this new way of living has created some additional stress and sometimes anxiety in our lives. Breathing and practicing breathing is a good way…
Juicing or Smoothies? Does it Matter?
Juicing or Smoothies? Does it Matter? There seems to be a trend with juicing and smoothies and you may wonder is there a difference? Is one better for me than the other? Short version: Yes and No. It depends on…
Don’t Fall for These 3 Myths About the New Coronavirus
It’s confusing to read all the info about the corona virus and try to figure out what’s true and what’s not. Read this article by John Sweet published on
How Long Is the Incubation Period for the Coronavirus?
Click this link and READ THIS ARTICLE Published on to learn about: Incubation period How does it spread? Symptoms If you have symptoms Other coronaviruses Bottom line
Gratitude-being Thankful is good for you People around the world express gratitude in many different ways. Most of these languages have distinctive words, such as grazie (Italian), merci(French), asante (Swahili), tualumba (Tonga), dhanyawaad (Hindi), miigwetch (Ojibwe), and go raibh maith…
Creativity: Does Your Soul Long For It?
Do you feel more alive when you are doing something that is creative or expressive? Are you drawn to write, play music, craft, paint, design, decorate? It’s important to allow your inner artist to be free. We are born into…
Day 7 Mindfulness More Practices
More Mindfulness Practices for You! You did it! You’ve successfully participated in 7 Days of Mindfulness. Just before we share in cyber-high fives; let’s finish up with more mindfulness practices. Today, we’ll take a look at getting up and tuning…
Day 6 Mindfulness Practices
Practicing Mindfulness We’re on day 6!! That’s awesome. Today and tomorrow we’ll focus on mindfulness practices. These are a handful to suggestions to help develop and cultivate your mindfulness practices. Today, we will review basic steps for mediation, how to…