February 18 – Start a 12 Week Journey

Invite your friends to come along for the 12 Week Journey

We’ll look at Primary Foods:  Joy, Creativity, Career, Health, Finances, etc., and the impact they have on our health and well being.  We’ll identify areas of strength and  areas of focus and take steps to a Healthier, Happier YOU!

We’ll look at our Secondary Foods:  What’s on our plates and how it impacts our health.  We’ll work on ways to find balance in our lives and help our bodies heal ourselves.

So, encourage your friends or family to come along and take a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Share this post and suggest they subscribe to eatlovelaugh.org and receive weekly posts. 

The Journey Begins February 18, 2019 – Don’t Miss It!

• “Content on this webpage contains the copyrighted material of Integrative Nutrition Inc., © 2013 (Used with permission).”


Posted by Kris Szabo

Wife, Mother, Holistic Health & Wellness Coach. Passionate about eating healthy, living well, and sharing the joy that makes life great. This site has been designed to help Create a Healthier, Happier You! Follow for health and wellness information. Hope you Eat Well, Love Passionately, and Laugh Often.

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